Missions Team

Title: Missions Team
Purpose: To support the local, national and international missions of St. Luke’s and help determine whether the missions fit within the overall goals of the St. Luke’s.
Responsible to: Missions Team Lead(s), Lead Minister, and the community of St. Luke’s
Description of Duties: Attend meetings held on an as-needed basis
                                    Provide support and advice to the various mission activities of St. Luke’s
Time Requirements: Attendance at the Missions Team meeting (usually once per month.)
Time involved with the various mission projects depending on your own level, should you choose to be involved.
Term: 3years
Training and Resources: Meet with team leads and various members of the team
Skills and gifts: Administration, Faith, Helps, Discernment. Willingness to share opinions and insights
Benefits to one serving in this role: An opportunity to serve the community and the world through mission projects, while also getting to know people in every facet of our church.
Completed by/date: updated RParra 9/2020